roseate spoonbill artinya
- roseate: merah jambu; samar; auroral
- spoonbill: ibis-sendok
- roseate tern: dara laut merah jambu; burung camar berjalur
- african spoonbill: ibis sendok afrika
- eurasian spoonbill: ibis sendok eurasia
- royal spoonbill: ibis sendok raja
- black-faced spoonbill: ibis sendok berwajah hitam
- yellow-billed spoonbill: ibis sendok berparuh kuning
- rose-diamond: intan roset
- roseau cathedral: katedral roseau
- rose-copper: tembaga-cakera
- rosebay: bunga oleander
- Bernardo de Paula as Kipo, a roseate spoonbill, and Sylvio, the security guard at Túlio's aviary.
Bernardo de Paula sebagai Kipo, seorang Roseate Spoonbill, dan Sylvio, penjaga keamanan di penagkaran burung Túlio.
- Kata benda
- tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill
Sinonim: Ajaia ajaja,